Frogs are ugly animals for me, and people say that this amphibious is the ugliest animal in the world. But they don`t know is how many important are frogs for Santa Marta. These animals eat bugs like flies and gnats that are so annoying for people.
Frogs eat ten of fifteen flies in a day, but it animal could to be without food for three of four days, because where these live there aren`t enough food.
Usually frogs sleep in the morning and always hunt at night. In cold season frog hibernate in dark places.
When you get out a frog, it feels so sad because it misses its friends and can to dead of sadness. Frogs are so popular in fairy tales, in these histories a frog becomes in a beautiful prince. I hope so my frog become in my beautiful prince forever, but I'll don’t kiss it hahaha.

Publicado por: Laura Rincon.

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010 en 14:48

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